Conversations between specialties: the importance of SGLT2 inhibitor initiation for the interdisciplinary management of cardio, renal and metabolic conditions

Chair: Silvio Inzucchi (USA)

07:45 – 07:50Communication between specialties on cardio, renal and metabolic conditionsSilvio Inzucchi (USA)
07:50 – 08:00Striking up a conversation on the importance of early treatmentRikke Borg (DNK)
Richard Hobbs (GBR)
08:00 – 08:10A breakdown in communication: the consequences of treatment inertiaRikke Borg (DNK)
Erin Michos (USA)
08:10 – 08:35Deep in conversation between specialtiesAll faculty
08:35 – 08:45Audience Q&A and closing remarksSilvio Inzucchi (USA)